I remember hearing about the "theory" of capitalism. Of idea's like a free market, and survival of the fittest. I can recall that at one time in this country that was a good thing. That businesses rose and fell according to there ability to change and adapt to an ever changing market. If you were smart and savvy and did good business you thrived and became wealthy and if you did bad business, perhaps made bad investments, or bad oh say labor deals, and your output exceeded your income then you failed.
Yes it was hard, yes people lost fortunes and for a short time some people lost jobs. But sure enough most if not all of those people found other jobs in fields and businesses that we thriving, maybe they had to move to do it, or retrain or perhaps not expect a captains wage for a waiters job but they managed to make it.
When the economy went through economic hard times people weathered the storm through thrift, and charity of churches and their neighbors, the economy corrected itself, much like an over grown forrest the dead underbrush was removed to allow the healthy folage to thrive. Well that my friends is a thing of the past.
Now we must always have an ever growning economy, when it does start to slow the government and too many American's who throught there voting patterns over the last twent- five years have convinced themselves that they are entitled and that the government is responsible for them go looking for the government to step in and stop the natural process of the free market.
Why do they do this you might ask? Well because facing the consequences of ones actions is too hard, it calls for the slightest bit of sacrafice and displeasure and it is so much easier to lay ones head on the shoulder of the government and let them solve all of our problems.
Well when we do this government is more then willing to step in and take over in there hyper effiecient way,( thats sarcasm for any of you from Rio Linda) and in doing so the goverment gets even more involved in our lives, takes away more freedom and personal choice and robs us and our children of precious posession and that posession is personal responsibity.
These economic troubles that we are currenlty facing where caused by many things over many many years and will not be solved over night. We can as it appears we are on the road to do, drastically over react and plunge America into what will likely be at least a decade of quasi-socialism, and even further into a state of entitlement that is already held by far to many Americans.
Or we can take a much different course, we can calm down, take a deep breath and let the market work. First thing we do as individuals is go about our lives. If you were planning to buy a house or car continue to do so but do so responsibly, if you were going to invest in the market do so, but do so responsibly. Stop failing about as if the world were ending and stop looking to Government to solve all your problems. Cause my fellow citizens we must face a cold hard truth some of this is our fault. Don't worry I'll explain.
We have not demanded that our government have any sort of sound fiscal policy( that means money supply for you in Rio Linda) there by allowing our currency to continue to drop in value as the federal reserve prints more and more paper money in some febile attempt to keep inflation in check.
We have not be responsible consumers and barrowers, this is for all of you who have purchased a home in the last five years that you knew you could not afford but just "had" to have. All the fry cooks at denny's that allowed themselves to be victims of predator lenders. Yes the lenders bear much of the blame and should be help accountable but too many people allowed themselves to be victimized by abandoned personal responsiblity ( i am sure liberals are cringing when i use that phrase) and actually saying "NO" to home loans were down right foolish. By not asking questions, by expecting to get into a home with no money down and surprisingly low payments (at first), for not reading all of the print, for not challenging their loan officer when he or she presented them with these subprime loans, and for now expecting those that did make smart choices to bail them out. If you are a member of a labor union and have not at least mentioned that your union has a responsibility to not bankrupt the company you are to blame, we are all to blame for not saving more or for most of us any money, for thinking words like budget, economy, and "No honey that second SUV isn't a neccesity" were bad or foreign words.
We are too blame for having to keep up with the jones, its not the advertising companys that MADE us by their products we choose to do that they just did their jobs and came up with cleaver marketing campaigns.
We elected and reelected politicians who made and are still making policies that boarder on the criminal.
So how do we stop it? Well it wont be easy, it will be hard and at times even uncomfortable. First we stop bailing companys out. We let them fail, wait.....because if they had done smart business they wouldn't have failed. We then refused to reelect any member of congress who was for the bailouts no matter party or ideology and bring in a new batch. We then act like adults when it comes to our personal finances, we don't buy things we don't need with money we don't have. If we get a morgage we actually read what were signing and knowwhat the terms are. We budget our money. We say no to more government involvement even when it might benefit us personalty because it would not be in the best interest of the nation. If we fail we try again and don't expect anything form those who did succeed other then a fair chance of our own.
No MORE BAILOUTS WE ARE GOING TO LOSE OUR NATION IF WE KEEP THIS UP! We will either collapse under the strain of huge debt or we will sucumb to the evil of socialism which robs free men of there drive, there liberty, and their childrens liberty. It's grown up time people, time to make the hard decisions. I am ready for the fight are you? Cause this nation that I have fought for and seen men die for is worth the fight. But apathy, fear of standing on our own two feet, and being unwilling to stand up and say "THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER! NOT ONE STEP MORE!NOT ONE DIME MORE! NO MORE "FOR MY OWN GOOD" NO MORE!" will kill this great nation, a nation that so far has been the love of my life.
I hope that this post makes sense feel free to let me know what you think.
Abortion and guns in 2024 spotlight
1 year ago