Saturday, October 11, 2008

Trooper investigation

The report on the investigation of Governor Sarah Palin regarding her firing of Alaska's public safety commissioner because he wouldn't fire her former brother in-law is out and it says......that she abused her power, but that her firing of the commissioner was lawful and fully within her right as governor. So how might you ask did she violate her power and Alaska ethics laws? Well according to the prosecutor conducting the investigation, a man who lobbied for the job and was choosen by the Obama supporter State Senator French claimed that Governor Palin abused her power because she allowed her husband Todd to use her office and staff to try and get the state trooper fired.
Now Todd testified that the Governor told him on several occasions to 'lay off" the trooper thing. This trooper for the record, tased his ten year old step son, drank on dutie, shot a moose illegally,threatened the Governors father, and beat his ex wife, this is the man that Todd Palin wanted fired. Because he was DANGEROUS. Imagine a Cop that got caught doing this stuff in your neighborhood would you want him "on the job" this is a witch hunt that I hope is shut down by clear thinking Alaskans.

The "Gate" thing

Ok that is it, done, no more, the statute of limitations is up on the placing of the word "gate" at the end of every scandle. One it is obnoxious and two it is used discriminately for any scandle involving politics and too often celebraties. It is of course a play off of the Watergate scandle of the mid to late 1970's that brought down President Richard Nixon. The word gate was part of the name of the building in which the breakin took place.
However the used of "gate" to often used to discribe any scandle, very few of them are on the same level as Watergate. Also the used of such a prefix, sends the message that such is a major crisis and most of the time the scandles are minor, besides it shows a lack of total originality of journalist and writers who report of them so stop with the "...gate" stuff already.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Debate Recap

Last night I watched the second Presidential debate of this election cycle and I was sort of disappointed. My candidate Senator John McCain did well, he was aggressive and articulate and he went in knowing that no matter what happened the mainstream media was going to declare his opponent the winner. What disappointed me was the way in which the so called "Questions" were choosen.
First in a townhall format debate the questions are suppose to be from audience members, no topic off limits, no plants, no censorship and yet the moderator of last nights debate BONBC journalist Tom Brokaw hand picked the questions and questioners which totally defeated the purpose of such a format. Brokaw might as well have selected and asked the questions himself. He made sure that all the questions were drained of any interest or realizm, it sounded like the types of questions that reporters would write.
I wanted to see the audience stand up and challenge both candidates, to ask hard questions. Unscripted questions, to allow the candidates to go at it and have a real debate, but know the media must interject itself into the process.
So the debate was good, for what it was a relatively scripted event that really didn't do anything besides lend itself to talking points of each candidate. Perhaps we will get some real debating in the final debate although I doubt it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Current status

Over the last two weeks I have watched as the mainstream media has had joygasms at the progress that Senator Barack Obama has made in the polls. They have gone so far as to start to use words like Transition, honeymoon, and Inaugural address. I would say, not so fast, Obama may indeed end up winning this election but at least let us go to the polls first.
Senator John McCain a man who by all accounts is overwhelmingly more qualified to be President still has some time to make up the ground. He must give undecided voters a clear reason to vote "for" him and not just "against" Obama. He must also show that Obama has done literally nothing in Government to warrent his fitness to serve as President aside of course from beating a lunatic Republican in an overwhelmingly Democratic state and beating the most Hated women in politics by manipulating the caucus system.
This election must be a referendum on Barack Obama if John McCain is to win and if McCain can give a clear vision of were he wants to lead this nation and on what sort of character or lack there of of Obama he can and will win.
So to my fellow conservatives and independants who still believe that experience and judgement matter over style don't worry there is still time for John McCain to win this election, if only he has the nerve to do so. So with 29 days left let not your hearts be troubled.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Maiden Post- Who am I?

For years I described myself as a Ronald Reagan Republican, and he is still my political hero, but over the last few years I have come to realize that such a label is not completely accurate. While I greatly admire the man, believe he was at least so far the best President of my life time, a truely strong and inspired leader, and that America is profoundly a better nation for having had him as a President. There are certain conotations that such a title brings with it that don't quiet fit me anymore so here is how I describe myself and why.
I am a classic conservative, a person who believes in the supremacy of the constitution. That the governing document of this nation takes presidence over ideology, party loyalty, and political expedency. That you must take the good and the bad with the constitution.
The reason I no longer consider myself a "Reagan Republican" is because of certain aspects of what that means.
In 1980 with the rise of the moral majority the Republican party melded it's self to the religious right, merging in many ways conservative politics and principals with conservative religious orthodoxy. Now just so you know is blog is not a rant against people of faith, or people who vote according to their faith. I as a man of faith understand that, however I believe it is a slippery slope to meld faith and politics. If you look at the history of our nation that is what our founding fathers were attempting to avoid. Our ancestors left our countries of origin because of the belding of faith and politics the corrupt states that used the bible and its teachings as a way to justify any act of tyranny. The idea of devine providence of Kings, that God choose those within the ruling class and therefore any action they took no matter how immoral, corrupt, dispicable, or sinful the act was it was within their right because they were "destine by God to rule"
It is because of this merging that I do not consider myself a "Reagan Republican" while I understand the desire of social conservatives to have a political home the dominace of certain leaders like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson has lead to more division in the political arena and I believe it is their leadership and prominence that keeps many people who would other wise be drawn to the parties message of low taxes, balanced budgets, personal responsibility and American exceptionalism from being comfortable voting for Republican candidates.
Now don't misunderstand me I am not saying that evangelicals should not and do not deserve a voice, that Roberston and Dobson shouldn't be heard, what I am saying is that their influence is in my opinion to strong. To many good candidates are dismissed out of hand as possible office holders because they do not tow the evangelical line on every single issue.
One example of this is former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge a man who by all accounts is a great American success story. He was an effective congressman, a strong and visionary Governor of a major state, and an abile administrator in the cabinet and yet because of his position of Abortion and Gay rights this man will likely never have a chance to serve as Vice President or President both positions he would likely serve in with great compancy.
So I am to sum up a conservative in the William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater mold. I am prolife because it is the American way to protect those who cannot protect themselves, I am pro- second Amendment because...well I believe in the constitution. I support civil rights and gay rights because America is a nation that should always live up to the idea that "all men are created equal!" This is the first of many posts feel free to comment at will.