Saturday, October 11, 2008

Trooper investigation

The report on the investigation of Governor Sarah Palin regarding her firing of Alaska's public safety commissioner because he wouldn't fire her former brother in-law is out and it says......that she abused her power, but that her firing of the commissioner was lawful and fully within her right as governor. So how might you ask did she violate her power and Alaska ethics laws? Well according to the prosecutor conducting the investigation, a man who lobbied for the job and was choosen by the Obama supporter State Senator French claimed that Governor Palin abused her power because she allowed her husband Todd to use her office and staff to try and get the state trooper fired.
Now Todd testified that the Governor told him on several occasions to 'lay off" the trooper thing. This trooper for the record, tased his ten year old step son, drank on dutie, shot a moose illegally,threatened the Governors father, and beat his ex wife, this is the man that Todd Palin wanted fired. Because he was DANGEROUS. Imagine a Cop that got caught doing this stuff in your neighborhood would you want him "on the job" this is a witch hunt that I hope is shut down by clear thinking Alaskans.

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