Thursday, September 3, 2009

Townhall meeting on 8/31/09 ( aka me on the news)

On Monday night I drove to Holland Michigan to attend a town hall meeting held by my Congressman Pete Hoekstra, he has held two other meetings in his district during this recess, and has held three of the four in Michigan with only one other member of congress having the nerve to face his constituents and answer questions about the health care proposal. Now unlike alot of these meetings all over the country, this one was rather civil. There where none of the radicals holding up obnoxious signs calling President Obama a nazi, nor was there any of the tambarine banging, no bathing and shaving hippies trying to shout anyone down.
There was a stranding room only crowd, and lost of questions from a mixed crowd, I even got called on and asked basically " with the purchase of GM, the money for cars, the money to help people pay there morgages what shouldn't we expect the government to do for us and if the public option is passed in ten years you wont beable to by health insurance because no company can compete with a government that doesnt need to makea profit" my point was that there is too much government intervention, so it was nice to be involved in government and the whole process, it also made made me realize that Pete Hoekstra is a stand up guy, I was on the fence about him but not anymore, I added the clip of me on the news give it a listen and tell me what you think.