As I watch the current goings on in Washington D.C., as I see the Federal government pour more and more tax payer money into "bailing" out failing business and getting the governments tenticals into the private sector, as I also watch the opposition party lay down to the massive government intervention in the free market as our government veers wildly to the left of the political spectrum, I am more and more convinced that we as conservatives as those who believe capitalism is the best way to prosperity and freedom for people that we need an idea man to step forward, someone with great intellect, someone who can come up with conservative solutions to Americans problems and that man may very well be Newt Gingrinch.
The former Speaker of the House is a PhD is brilliant, he understands how government works, he is willing to think outside the box, he has a strong mind and is willing to make hard decisions, so while I have doubts about his electablity simply because of the amount of baggage he has and the fact that the media has such vile rage and hatred towards him they would throw everything at him, if you think they hated Sarah Palin let Newt be the nominee and watch the foaming at the mouth of the MSM.
So while I don't know if Newt can win I do know he can articulate Idea's and challenge with authority those who are veering left with great passion. So Newt might be the man the GOP needs to help to come up with a clear conservative voice.
Abortion and guns in 2024 spotlight
1 year ago