Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Birth Certificate Nonsense

It seems that there is a small but very vocal and obnoxious group of people out there on the internet, they are passionate and horribly miss guided. They are the group of people who claim that Obama is not eligible to be President because he was not born in America, they claim that he falsified his birth record, that he was actually born in Kenya or if he was born in the U.S. the fact that he lived in Kenya forfeited his U.S. citizenship there by making him ineligible to serve as President. I believe this theory to boarder on insanity. I see this group of people in the same light that I saw those groups that claimed that Bush new about 9/11 or the ones that claim that his whole reasoning for going to war was to make Haliburton money.

These sorts of theories are the result of PDS ( Political derangement syndrome) by which some of the most ardent opponents of a politician seem to develop an adversion to the very existence of said politician, they believe that every motive of the person is evil, that who conspiriacies where masterminded by them, that they want to harm America and they oppose this person out of hand no matter what he or she does.

Some great examples of this are Bush Derangement syndrome by some on the left and in the media, which resulted in abandonment of any logic or reasoning when talking about George W. Bush or anything surrounding him and manifested it's self in pure hatred of him, causing in many case the loss of political fights by these people because do to their syndrome they where unable to formulate a cognitive political alternative other then to spew "BUSH IS A NAZI""BUSH LIED KIDS DIE' "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" this caused them political defeats at the ballot box and only fueled their illogical speculation that there was a conspiracy.

Now there are already some signs of ODS (Obama Derangement syndrome) among some mainstream conservatives such as Sean Hannity and this is a bad sign but after reading and listening to some of these kooks rave about how Obama isn't a citizen I realize that those of us who are conservative must quell this kind of talk as it only harms our cause. See I oppose most of Obama's agenda but I don't think he is a bad person, I don't think he sits around with his advisers rubbing his hands together and laughing in an evil manner wondering how he can sell out America, and I don't think George Bush did either.

Both men had there countries best interest at heart as they saw it threw the prism of there own political philosiphies we must not forget that. We, those of us who have strong views and an interest in politics I mean, must stop seeing those who have different views as us as bad, or evil or wanting to do harm to America or Americans. They are simply of a different philosophy, that we might think is wrong but not evil!

We must resist the urge to give in to the fringe of each political extreme and party, we must realize that the extremes on both sides to do not speak for the mainstream. For example on the conservative side Sean Hannity does not Represent me, I may agree with him 90-95% of the time but he never wants to find conservative solutions or talk about how to bring people back to conservatism he wants to talk about reverend Wright and Bill Ayers ( We get it Sean, Obama showed poor judgment in some of his associations can we now talk about the war, the deficit, taxes, and the economy PLEASE?) or on the liberal side people like George Soro's or Al Franken who are far left zealots who assume anyone who believes in low taxes, balanced budgets, and gun rights is a racists, sexists, bigot, homophobe, anyone who strays from liberal orthodoxy must be destroyed both politically and personally, look at the way Joe Lieberman was treated in 2006, this was a man who in 2000 was nominated by the Democratic party to be Vice President, he has championed liberal causes all of his adult life from woman's rights, to civil rights, to higher taxes on the rich, to larger involvement of government in the day to day lives of Americans yet because he came out for the war in Iraq, because he has been a strong supporter of the war on terror he was attacked viciously, he was primaried with millions spent to defeat him, he lost the Democratic primary and ran as an Independant and won. He then endorsed John McCain because the two men are friends and because he felt McCain was better qualified to be President and for this he has been adandoned by the left, ravaged politically and personally and it is a shame.

Now it is groups like this one, the anti-Obama citizenship group that foments political hatred and polarization. I call upon rational conservatives to denounce this theory. If you oppose Obama that is fine, I oppose much of his agenda but I do it with logic and reason and from a place of respect. He won the election for the most part fair and square now he has the chance to govern, we must oppose him when we disagree but never be disagreeable.


Friar Tuck said...

Gipper, this is smart stuff. Because conservatives will be relegated to a reservation of irrelevant nut jobs if they keep pushing the birth certificate, conspiracy theory angle. To be honest, it also comes across as racially motivated which is bad for a party that needs to make enroads into minority communities if they are going to win in the future.

When a minority party loses, one of their biggest default mechanisms is to fall back into self-righteous idealism. This is what the liberals did in 2004 with John Kerry and their anti-war stance. And it looks like Republicans are doing now. When you fall into self-righeous idealism, you fail to reach any moderates. If you dont reach moderates and independents, you do not win.

Steve said...

Don't forget Clinton derangement syndrome either (Hillary killed 5,000,000 people etc.). It's kind of funny that the animosity is racheted up, because on a lot of issues the parties (or at least the bulk of them) are closer together than they were 20 years ago. What the GOP needs to do is present their message in a way that draws people from the center, not necessarily to move to the left. That's what Obama and Bill Clinton did that Kerry and others weren't able to.