Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Goodriddence to bad rubbish

Well it was just reported that Senator Ted Stevens lost his race for Reelection. He as you know was indicted on seven counts of corruption. On election day Stevens was ahead by about 3400 votes however once all of the votes were counted his democratic opponent won by about 3700 votes.
Now I would normally be upset that a Republican lost but Stevens is a heel, not only is he a huge proprietor of pork barrel spending which has bankrupted our nation, he is also the exact kind of elected official that has made people completely distrustful of politicians.
Now I am not worried about this seat, see one of two things will happen either Begich will go to Washington and veer hard to the left to appease his party leadership and completely abandon his Alaskan principals and will be defeated in his bid for a second term by someone like Sean Parnell, Sarah Palin or some yet to be recognized Alaskan conservative or he will vote moderate to conservative to match the sentiment of the state he represents.

To spite the election results last week, which the Democrats see as a sign that all of America has veered hard to the left. Alaska is a state that is solidly conservative, the reason Steven's who lost only because of the corruption charges would have won resoundingly had this not happened. I hope that Begich doe not do what so many democrats from conservagtive states have done and that is to forget where they come from. It will be hard for Begich to stand up to democrats on things like taxes, anwar, second amendment, and a host of other issues, John Edwards is a perfect example of a politician that got elected from a conservative state as a moderate Democrat then veered hard left and became so unpopular at home that he didn't even bother to seek a second term.

So Goodriddence to Stevens he is the kind of elected official who has hurt our party and nation. His was a term that believed you could appropriate yourself a perminate majority, that the federal purse was to be used as a political piggy bank. So I am glad that Alaska rejected his politics. I would have liked to see him defeated in a primary so that a republican could win the seat but Id rather have a democrat then a crook. Good by Uncle Ted, prison life will be much different I suspect.

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