Thursday, November 6, 2008

President-Elect Obama

Last night was painful for me as a conservative Republican to watch as this nation roundly rejected my candidate and voted for President Elect Obama overwhelmingly, and while I disagree with the direction he wants to take our nation and have serious doubts about his readiness to lead this nation I congratulate him.
Also as an American I am moved by the historic nature of his election.The fact the we have elected our first African American President is something that all American's should be proud of.
I as a Conservative Republican call upon my party to hone our idea's to get back to our roots, to once and for all get back to the constitution and get the hell out of people's bedrooms , to get back to the idea's of balanced budgets, low taxes and reduced spending a government size. I reject the notion that we must embrace liberalism to win, every time we have ran conservative candidates we have won, and every time we ran a moderate we have gotten our asses handed to us.
Last night was a call to not to veer hard to the left which I expect this congress and President to do in there over reaching but was a request for a veering to the center and a rejection of the bitter politics of the last eight years ( from both sides)
I wish the President Elect the best and success because to wish him failure in order for my party to regain power would be petty and I love my country to much to wish that. However if our new President and his allies in the congress think that this resounding victory is a call for radical liberalism, for a march towards European socialism, for a foreign policy of appeasement, and for bigger more intrusive government on those issues I will fight them with every thing I have.
However while we may be opponents we will never be enemies. We are all fellow Americans. I listened to both speeches last night and the President Elects was good, a bit thin on policy but good, Senator McCain's speech to me was a study in graciousness, dignity, honor, and a class act. I have heard every concession speech at the Presidential level since 1984 and his was by far the best.
So we go on, optimistic about what the future holds for our nation and the world. Our problems are large I just hope we can work together both sides giving a little to meet these challenges.
Oh it looks like Senator Norm Coleman will be reelected although knowing Al Franken, it will be turned into a circus as he does his best to try and keep counting till he finds a way to win. The other Democrats that defeated Republicans, while I disagree with there politics are all worthy of the office they won and I congratulate them, however Al Franken is one of those people much like Alan Keyes that is just a bad person, he is so devoted to his ideology that he abandons all decency in exchange for victory that's not what America needs. So I am sure that after the votes are recounted ( and they should be because of how close it is) he will sue, then I'm sure that since he lost that must mean that the other side cheated, and after that if he can't get a judge to over turn the election he will go about saying how stupid the people of Minnesota are or that it was stolen. Mark my words, that is after all the kind of thing douch bags do.
Ok I hate to be the one to say this but if I don't it's going to be a very long four years. Get ready cause it's gonna sting a little .....Ok here goes...OBAMA IS A POLITICIAN NOT A RELIGIOUS LEADER! Sorry but that was for your own good. If you support him you should be excited about his victory and the coming of his administration but I have noticed lately that it's getting by some to be a little creepy in the way that people talk about this guy. He is just a politician, he can't part the sea, or touch the sick and heal them, in six months the world won't be a utopia ok! The hero worship by some is getting border line creepy I know some people's worship of Reagan is creepy. Like the scene I saw a few weeks ago of school children singing a song about Obama, yeah that kinda shit is done in third world country's that have thug dictators, Obama is not one of those his is an elected official thats all, not God ok. So I figured we could deal with it now so my head doesn't have to explode ok... to recap... be happy about his victory but remember... he is just a ( this is gonna sting a bit) person, he is ultimately just a politician, he is not perfect ok. Thanks.

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