Sunday, November 9, 2008

My cabinet choices

If I were able to pick the Cabinet for Obama. With the caviate that I had to stay true to his campaign themes.I will name the person and explain why I picked them. Now remember that I am going off the promise from Obama to govern from the center left rather then the far left.

Secretary of State;
Bill Richardson
( He has experience as a U.N. Ambassador, Member of Congress, he is clearly a moderate and he would bring gravitas to the office.)
Secretary of Defense;
Robert Gates ( For the first six months until we are out of Iraq and then:)
Chuck Hagle
(He is an expert on Foreign Policy and defense issues, was a veteran of Vietnam and puts a conservative voice on President Obama's with Draw policy for Iraq. He would also bring gravitas to a president that is seen by some as lacking experience)
Attorney General;
Jennifer Granholm ( She is know to have a keen legal mind and as the governor with a poor economic record removing her from that office may help the democrats keep it in 2010 as her staying would surely be used by the GOP)
Secretary of the Treasury;
Warren Buffett
( I would call Warren into service of his nation time to put up)
Secretary of the Interior;
Bill Ritter
(Governor of Colorado, understands water and land useage issues and is a centrist)
Secretary of Agruculture;
Tom Harkin
( No one understands liberal Agruculture policy better then Senator Harkin, he is also not a fire brand. His seat would be a safe one as the Governor of Iowa is a Democrat)
Secretary of Commerce;
Ted Strickland
(Governor of Ohio and a early Clinton backer would show unity to the party)
Secretary of Labor;
Richard Gephardt
(Former member of Congress and big fan of Organized Labor, this is also a bone thrown to the liberal wing of the party)
Secretary of Health and Human Services;
Dora Hughes
( Top Health care advisor to the President and would be key to implementing the Presidents Single payer health care system and writing the government mandates)
Secretary of Education;
Caroline Kennedy
(She would bring star power to the office and is a respected voice. She woud also be a boon to the left)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
Henry Cisneros
( Former HUD Secretary under Clinton, Obama has to throw them a bone and he would do the job well)
Secretary of Transportation;
Jane Harmon
Secretary of Energy;
Arnold Schwarzenegger
(He brings star power to the issue, he is from a large energy producing state and he is opposed to drilling, nuclear, coal, and natural gas and would be a good point man for the Administrations energy policy)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs;
John Kerry
( He served in the military and is high profile, it also would keep him busy and put competance in the office)
Secretary of Homeland Security;
Tommy Franks
(As a former General of Centcom he has good leadership and organizational skills. He would also please conservatives and as this is the only spot were a real conservative would be allowed in the cabinet he is the best man for the job. The President would take flak from the left for this appointment but it would show his bipartisan attitudes.)
Head of the EPA;
Robert F.Kennedy Jr.
( As there is no way you could get away with appointing anyone but a liberal to this position why not appoint the best one. He has credibility and would implement the Cap and trade regualations of the President.)
Not sure yet but it would be someone who understands that increasing revenue is more important then decreasing spending.

These choices are who I would advise him to pick but I think his actual cabinet with the exception of one or two republicans and maybe an "indpendent" ( which is really a liberal who wont admit it) will be of far left people but from Clinton and Carter years, so much for change but maybe I will be wrong.


Steve said...

What I like best about this list is the complete absence of John Edwards. I think Wesley Clark could wind up in there somewhere. I like the fact that this list would have you and me both getting new governors, but I don't see John Kerry or a few of the others leaving there current offices for anything other than a prime spot, i.e. SecState for Kerry.

Steve said...

Oh yeah, Edwards would be perfect if they needed someone to head up a "Department of Slips and Falls".

Gipper said...

Yeah Edwards is by far my least favorite democrat with the possible exception of Al Frankin.
He (Edwards) is a heel, a complete flim flam artist.