So there are rumors that President-Elect Obama may appoint Senator Clinton as Secretary of State. This would make for an interesting choice for a number of reasons. First because Hillary would bring experience and no nonsense to the office. She is also a women who I trust facing world leaders, after thirty years with Bill Clinton, no one is going to pull the wool over her eyes, she is also not a member of the moon-bat agenda crowd. For a liberal Democrat administration Hillary is one of the best choices for the job. I would rather see her appointed then some radical, blame America first individual, that could other wise be appointed.
Now that being said I don't think that President-Elect Obama will actually appoint Senator Clinton to the position. I think that he is only offering her the position to show unity within the party. To appease the Clinton faction of the Democratic party. I also think that he would not appoint her because I believe he has a deep mistrust and dislike of her and former President Clinton, besides appointing her would take some of the spot light off Obama and he has shown that center stage, center spot is where Barack Obama loves to be.
I also don't think that Senator Clinton would accept the position if offered for a few reasons. First I don't think that Senator Clinton would want to tie her career to President Obama's success. Second I don't think that Senator Clinton likes Barack Obama very much personally. Third she would have to give up her Senate seat, and the chance to help formulate liberal legislation over the next few decades. She would also have to likely give up another shot at the Presidency, which she desperately wants to be.
I think that Barack Obama is going to appoint people who are interested in the success of Barack Obama first, last, and always. After all every President is obsessed with their legacy, and having a Secretary of State who is concerned about running herself in eight years is not always the best for ones legacy.
Barack Obama would do himself a favor by appointing someone with no Presidential ambitions of their own such as Dick Lugar of Indiana. Who would also be a bone to his bipartisan campaign rehetoric. We shall see what happens in the coming weeks.
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1 year ago
I think it's a trap. Here's how it goes. They offer. Hillary accepts. Then they bring out some details about what Bill's been up to since leaving office (Kazakhstan, God knows how many affairs, etc.) as part of the vetting process, damaging Hil's reputation so that she can't be a threat ever again. Somewhat similar to the Chicago thug tactics Barry used to get win first elected office.
It is very possible. I think his best choice would be Dick Lugar of Indiana. But you may be right Obama might be saving himself from a hard renomination challenge especially if he preforms like a version of Carter 2.0 Very astute observation.
I think Hillary is really hoping for the Supreme Court. I think Richardson would be a better person for the job, but I think Hillary will end up having it. I think Bill will be Ambassador to the UN.
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