Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Bull pen
On deck are names like Michael Steele ( likely the future Chairman of the RNC) Mike Pence new head of the RCCC, Mike Huckabee former governor of Arkansas and host on FOX news, Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Mark Sanford of South Carolina, Mitch Daniels of Indiana, Governor Sarah Palin, Charlie Crist of Florida, Congesswomen Michelle Bachman of Minnesota, Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, and if he manages to hold on to his seat Senator Norm Coleman.
All of these people are good strong leaders, they I believe can articulate the partys vision for the future of this nation. We after all need leaders that are going to find conservative solutions to our nations problems. Any or all of these leaders can start by practicing practicle conservatism in there respective offices and any future campaigns. Of course this is just my opinion.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Goodriddence to bad rubbish
Now I would normally be upset that a Republican lost but Stevens is a heel, not only is he a huge proprietor of pork barrel spending which has bankrupted our nation, he is also the exact kind of elected official that has made people completely distrustful of politicians.
Now I am not worried about this seat, see one of two things will happen either Begich will go to Washington and veer hard to the left to appease his party leadership and completely abandon his Alaskan principals and will be defeated in his bid for a second term by someone like Sean Parnell, Sarah Palin or some yet to be recognized Alaskan conservative or he will vote moderate to conservative to match the sentiment of the state he represents.
To spite the election results last week, which the Democrats see as a sign that all of America has veered hard to the left. Alaska is a state that is solidly conservative, the reason Steven's who lost only because of the corruption charges would have won resoundingly had this not happened. I hope that Begich doe not do what so many democrats from conservagtive states have done and that is to forget where they come from. It will be hard for Begich to stand up to democrats on things like taxes, anwar, second amendment, and a host of other issues, John Edwards is a perfect example of a politician that got elected from a conservative state as a moderate Democrat then veered hard left and became so unpopular at home that he didn't even bother to seek a second term.
So Goodriddence to Stevens he is the kind of elected official who has hurt our party and nation. His was a term that believed you could appropriate yourself a perminate majority, that the federal purse was to be used as a political piggy bank. So I am glad that Alaska rejected his politics. I would have liked to see him defeated in a primary so that a republican could win the seat but Id rather have a democrat then a crook. Good by Uncle Ted, prison life will be much different I suspect.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Secretary of State Clinton
Now that being said I don't think that President-Elect Obama will actually appoint Senator Clinton to the position. I think that he is only offering her the position to show unity within the party. To appease the Clinton faction of the Democratic party. I also think that he would not appoint her because I believe he has a deep mistrust and dislike of her and former President Clinton, besides appointing her would take some of the spot light off Obama and he has shown that center stage, center spot is where Barack Obama loves to be.
I also don't think that Senator Clinton would accept the position if offered for a few reasons. First I don't think that Senator Clinton would want to tie her career to President Obama's success. Second I don't think that Senator Clinton likes Barack Obama very much personally. Third she would have to give up her Senate seat, and the chance to help formulate liberal legislation over the next few decades. She would also have to likely give up another shot at the Presidency, which she desperately wants to be.
I think that Barack Obama is going to appoint people who are interested in the success of Barack Obama first, last, and always. After all every President is obsessed with their legacy, and having a Secretary of State who is concerned about running herself in eight years is not always the best for ones legacy.
Barack Obama would do himself a favor by appointing someone with no Presidential ambitions of their own such as Dick Lugar of Indiana. Who would also be a bone to his bipartisan campaign rehetoric. We shall see what happens in the coming weeks.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Goodbye Ted
The Republican's that managed to hang on were Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, although he will be in a run off as he fell just short of fifty percent as it was a three man race. I believe he will hold on and actually win by a bigger margin as Georgia is a reliably conservative state.
In Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman is ahead by a few hundred votes and there will be a recount, I expect Al Franken, Coleman's soleless opponent to do everything he can to steal the election this one may be revervsed by the courts we shall see.
The third Republican to hold on is Alaska's Ted Stevens, it appears that Steven's will win a seventh term to spite the fact that he was convicted on seven felony counts. It seems the people of Alaska are willing to over look it.
However the leaders of the Senate are likely to expell him. Which is exactly the right thing to do. Steven's is the perfect example of an elected official who allowed his power to corrupt him. Steven's should be expelled, and a honest reliable conservative should be appointed to replace him.
Where he to be expelled Alaska law calls for there to be a special election 60-90 days after he is removed. Steven's should be replaced because no one can abide corruption, he is also one of the reasons we have lost total power. His idea that we can appropriate our way to a perminate majority and to hell with spending restrains and fiscal discipline has lead us to this massive defeat.
The people of Alaska I believe by electing Steven's to a seventh term have not so much voted to reelect him but to keep the seat conservative. I believe Sean Parnell the Leutenant Governor of Alaska should run or if he is unwilling to run then of course there is always Alaska's favorate Daughter Sarah Palin.
Either person would be a great champion for Alaska and conservative causes like balanced budgets, spending restraint, gun rights, energy independance, and pro-life judges.
All I know is that it would be a shame for Steven's to be allowed to stay in the Senate after being convicted of seven counts of corruption.
My cabinet choices
Secretary of State;
Bill Richardson
( He has experience as a U.N. Ambassador, Member of Congress, he is clearly a moderate and he would bring gravitas to the office.)
Secretary of Defense;
Robert Gates ( For the first six months until we are out of Iraq and then:)
Chuck Hagle
(He is an expert on Foreign Policy and defense issues, was a veteran of Vietnam and puts a conservative voice on President Obama's with Draw policy for Iraq. He would also bring gravitas to a president that is seen by some as lacking experience)
Attorney General;
Jennifer Granholm ( She is know to have a keen legal mind and as the governor with a poor economic record removing her from that office may help the democrats keep it in 2010 as her staying would surely be used by the GOP)
Secretary of the Treasury;
Warren Buffett
( I would call Warren into service of his nation time to put up)
Secretary of the Interior;
Bill Ritter
(Governor of Colorado, understands water and land useage issues and is a centrist)
Secretary of Agruculture;
Tom Harkin
( No one understands liberal Agruculture policy better then Senator Harkin, he is also not a fire brand. His seat would be a safe one as the Governor of Iowa is a Democrat)
Secretary of Commerce;
Ted Strickland
(Governor of Ohio and a early Clinton backer would show unity to the party)
Secretary of Labor;
Richard Gephardt
(Former member of Congress and big fan of Organized Labor, this is also a bone thrown to the liberal wing of the party)
Secretary of Health and Human Services;
Dora Hughes
( Top Health care advisor to the President and would be key to implementing the Presidents Single payer health care system and writing the government mandates)
Secretary of Education;
Caroline Kennedy
(She would bring star power to the office and is a respected voice. She woud also be a boon to the left)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
Henry Cisneros
( Former HUD Secretary under Clinton, Obama has to throw them a bone and he would do the job well)
Secretary of Transportation;
Jane Harmon
Secretary of Energy;
Arnold Schwarzenegger
(He brings star power to the issue, he is from a large energy producing state and he is opposed to drilling, nuclear, coal, and natural gas and would be a good point man for the Administrations energy policy)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs;
John Kerry
( He served in the military and is high profile, it also would keep him busy and put competance in the office)
Secretary of Homeland Security;
Tommy Franks
(As a former General of Centcom he has good leadership and organizational skills. He would also please conservatives and as this is the only spot were a real conservative would be allowed in the cabinet he is the best man for the job. The President would take flak from the left for this appointment but it would show his bipartisan attitudes.)
Head of the EPA;
Robert F.Kennedy Jr.
( As there is no way you could get away with appointing anyone but a liberal to this position why not appoint the best one. He has credibility and would implement the Cap and trade regualations of the President.)
Not sure yet but it would be someone who understands that increasing revenue is more important then decreasing spending.
These choices are who I would advise him to pick but I think his actual cabinet with the exception of one or two republicans and maybe an "indpendent" ( which is really a liberal who wont admit it) will be of far left people but from Clinton and Carter years, so much for change but maybe I will be wrong.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
President-Elect Obama
Also as an American I am moved by the historic nature of his election.The fact the we have elected our first African American President is something that all American's should be proud of.
I as a Conservative Republican call upon my party to hone our idea's to get back to our roots, to once and for all get back to the constitution and get the hell out of people's bedrooms , to get back to the idea's of balanced budgets, low taxes and reduced spending a government size. I reject the notion that we must embrace liberalism to win, every time we have ran conservative candidates we have won, and every time we ran a moderate we have gotten our asses handed to us.
Last night was a call to not to veer hard to the left which I expect this congress and President to do in there over reaching but was a request for a veering to the center and a rejection of the bitter politics of the last eight years ( from both sides)
I wish the President Elect the best and success because to wish him failure in order for my party to regain power would be petty and I love my country to much to wish that. However if our new President and his allies in the congress think that this resounding victory is a call for radical liberalism, for a march towards European socialism, for a foreign policy of appeasement, and for bigger more intrusive government on those issues I will fight them with every thing I have.
However while we may be opponents we will never be enemies. We are all fellow Americans. I listened to both speeches last night and the President Elects was good, a bit thin on policy but good, Senator McCain's speech to me was a study in graciousness, dignity, honor, and a class act. I have heard every concession speech at the Presidential level since 1984 and his was by far the best.
So we go on, optimistic about what the future holds for our nation and the world. Our problems are large I just hope we can work together both sides giving a little to meet these challenges.
Oh it looks like Senator Norm Coleman will be reelected although knowing Al Franken, it will be turned into a circus as he does his best to try and keep counting till he finds a way to win. The other Democrats that defeated Republicans, while I disagree with there politics are all worthy of the office they won and I congratulate them, however Al Franken is one of those people much like Alan Keyes that is just a bad person, he is so devoted to his ideology that he abandons all decency in exchange for victory that's not what America needs. So I am sure that after the votes are recounted ( and they should be because of how close it is) he will sue, then I'm sure that since he lost that must mean that the other side cheated, and after that if he can't get a judge to over turn the election he will go about saying how stupid the people of Minnesota are or that it was stolen. Mark my words, that is after all the kind of thing douch bags do.
Ok I hate to be the one to say this but if I don't it's going to be a very long four years. Get ready cause it's gonna sting a little .....Ok here goes...OBAMA IS A POLITICIAN NOT A RELIGIOUS LEADER! Sorry but that was for your own good. If you support him you should be excited about his victory and the coming of his administration but I have noticed lately that it's getting by some to be a little creepy in the way that people talk about this guy. He is just a politician, he can't part the sea, or touch the sick and heal them, in six months the world won't be a utopia ok! The hero worship by some is getting border line creepy I know some people's worship of Reagan is creepy. Like the scene I saw a few weeks ago of school children singing a song about Obama, yeah that kinda shit is done in third world country's that have thug dictators, Obama is not one of those his is an elected official thats all, not God ok. So I figured we could deal with it now so my head doesn't have to explode ok... to recap... be happy about his victory but remember... he is just a ( this is gonna sting a bit) person, he is ultimately just a politician, he is not perfect ok. Thanks.
Update on Troopergate
No candidate is perfect and this is true of Governor Palin but she is smart, charming, effective, articulate, and a strong leader and these things are hard to come by in a leader these days. While I have no idea if she will run for President in the future I know that if she does she will find support frome millions all across America like myself.
Avoid ODS
So the results are in, and it was a rout. This nation elected Senator Barack Obama to be the nations 44th President. While I disagreed with much of the now President-Elects policies and agenda for the future I must say that it is great that America has elected the first African American to be President. While I still have doubts about this man's readiness to lead a nation, I love my country far more then my political ideology and I wish him success for the sake of my nation.
I hope he and his increased majorities in the house and senate avoid the urge to move hard left, which I believe would be a mistake and would cost them at the ballot box. This nation is for the most part a center-right country, one of the reasons this President ( please avoid foaming at the mouth at the mention of Bush) has been so unsuccessful is that he has attempted to govern to far to the right. So I hope a President Obama will govern from the center left rather then from the far left as some within the base of his party will pressure him to do so.
I also hope that he will show leadership and stand up to Pelosi and Reid by opposing a second "stimulus" package as it would not be good for the fiscal future of our nation. If he means what he says about wanting to "change" the politics of America he would do well to appoint Congressmen Ron Paul as Treasury Secretary, and Senator Dick Lugar as Secretarty of State.
As for my party, we lost and deserved to lose because we squandered the mandate that we were given at the ballot box in 2002 & 2004 by spending like a drunken sailor, and allowing the dollar to fall to an all time low. We also deserved to lose because we got away from the classic conservative principals, of small government, balanced budgets, low taxes, adherance to the constitution, and getting and staying out of peoples private lives.
While I am a classic conservative in the mold of Barry Goldwater, and William F. Buckley I think what conservatives must do is work with the new President when we agree with him, try to comprimise when we can, and oppose him when we must .But do it from a place of reason and logic and with respect. Because the sewer that has become American Politics is driving good people to avoid government service it is what truly keeps "Mr. Smith from going to Washington!"
What we must avoid at all costs is developing ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) which is a mutation of the BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) which is by definition:
"the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush"
All this does is make our politics more bitter and devicive, it stops us from addressing the huge problems our nation and world are facing and findig solutions to them, if forces us to dig in our heals and hold so firm to our ideology that we refuse to work with others who might not be of our ideology. We start to see those who don't believe the way we do as bad or evil when truthfully they simply have a different world view then us. So I hope the no conservatives.
An example of BDS causing political damage was in the 2004 Presidential race, many on the left had such a vile rage and hatred for President Bush that is so clouded their political judgement and there rational thought, it caused them to make political decision that I believed caused Senator John Kerry to lose an election that by all accounts he should have won.
So I hope that as we move forward we can get back to some sense of civility in American Politics. We had the argument the people spoke now it's time to get to work and try to solve the problems facing this nation. We all love this country where we disagree is on what path we take to get to a brighter future.Saturday, October 11, 2008
Trooper investigation
Now Todd testified that the Governor told him on several occasions to 'lay off" the trooper thing. This trooper for the record, tased his ten year old step son, drank on dutie, shot a moose illegally,threatened the Governors father, and beat his ex wife, this is the man that Todd Palin wanted fired. Because he was DANGEROUS. Imagine a Cop that got caught doing this stuff in your neighborhood would you want him "on the job" this is a witch hunt that I hope is shut down by clear thinking Alaskans.
The "Gate" thing
However the used of "gate" to often used to discribe any scandle, very few of them are on the same level as Watergate. Also the used of such a prefix, sends the message that such is a major crisis and most of the time the scandles are minor, besides it shows a lack of total originality of journalist and writers who report of them so stop with the "...gate" stuff already.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Debate Recap
First in a townhall format debate the questions are suppose to be from audience members, no topic off limits, no plants, no censorship and yet the moderator of last nights debate BONBC journalist Tom Brokaw hand picked the questions and questioners which totally defeated the purpose of such a format. Brokaw might as well have selected and asked the questions himself. He made sure that all the questions were drained of any interest or realizm, it sounded like the types of questions that reporters would write.
I wanted to see the audience stand up and challenge both candidates, to ask hard questions. Unscripted questions, to allow the candidates to go at it and have a real debate, but know the media must interject itself into the process.
So the debate was good, for what it was a relatively scripted event that really didn't do anything besides lend itself to talking points of each candidate. Perhaps we will get some real debating in the final debate although I doubt it.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Current status
Senator John McCain a man who by all accounts is overwhelmingly more qualified to be President still has some time to make up the ground. He must give undecided voters a clear reason to vote "for" him and not just "against" Obama. He must also show that Obama has done literally nothing in Government to warrent his fitness to serve as President aside of course from beating a lunatic Republican in an overwhelmingly Democratic state and beating the most Hated women in politics by manipulating the caucus system.
This election must be a referendum on Barack Obama if John McCain is to win and if McCain can give a clear vision of were he wants to lead this nation and on what sort of character or lack there of of Obama he can and will win.
So to my fellow conservatives and independants who still believe that experience and judgement matter over style don't worry there is still time for John McCain to win this election, if only he has the nerve to do so. So with 29 days left let not your hearts be troubled.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Maiden Post- Who am I?
I am a classic conservative, a person who believes in the supremacy of the constitution. That the governing document of this nation takes presidence over ideology, party loyalty, and political expedency. That you must take the good and the bad with the constitution.
The reason I no longer consider myself a "Reagan Republican" is because of certain aspects of what that means.
In 1980 with the rise of the moral majority the Republican party melded it's self to the religious right, merging in many ways conservative politics and principals with conservative religious orthodoxy. Now just so you know is blog is not a rant against people of faith, or people who vote according to their faith. I as a man of faith understand that, however I believe it is a slippery slope to meld faith and politics. If you look at the history of our nation that is what our founding fathers were attempting to avoid. Our ancestors left our countries of origin because of the belding of faith and politics the corrupt states that used the bible and its teachings as a way to justify any act of tyranny. The idea of devine providence of Kings, that God choose those within the ruling class and therefore any action they took no matter how immoral, corrupt, dispicable, or sinful the act was it was within their right because they were "destine by God to rule"
It is because of this merging that I do not consider myself a "Reagan Republican" while I understand the desire of social conservatives to have a political home the dominace of certain leaders like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson has lead to more division in the political arena and I believe it is their leadership and prominence that keeps many people who would other wise be drawn to the parties message of low taxes, balanced budgets, personal responsibility and American exceptionalism from being comfortable voting for Republican candidates.
Now don't misunderstand me I am not saying that evangelicals should not and do not deserve a voice, that Roberston and Dobson shouldn't be heard, what I am saying is that their influence is in my opinion to strong. To many good candidates are dismissed out of hand as possible office holders because they do not tow the evangelical line on every single issue.
One example of this is former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge a man who by all accounts is a great American success story. He was an effective congressman, a strong and visionary Governor of a major state, and an abile administrator in the cabinet and yet because of his position of Abortion and Gay rights this man will likely never have a chance to serve as Vice President or President both positions he would likely serve in with great compancy.
So I am to sum up a conservative in the William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater mold. I am prolife because it is the American way to protect those who cannot protect themselves, I am pro- second Amendment because...well I believe in the constitution. I support civil rights and gay rights because America is a nation that should always live up to the idea that "all men are created equal!" This is the first of many posts feel free to comment at will.